Why would the gazillion dollar health care business would want to find a cure for anything. That would be a really poor business strategy.

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This works on so many levels... The caduceus snakes becoming dollar signs. The ill-gotten gains literally gotten from people who were deliberately made ill and thus gains were ill-gotten from their illness. The gold eagle which is supposed to represent the birth of liberty being turned into a debased profit vehicle. Well done sir, this picture paints and thousand words.

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Wow, TriTorch, your keen observations decode the symbology exactly. You describe the message the artwork is intended to convey better than I could. Much appreciated.

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The credit is 100% yours, Ned. Thank you for painting one of the greatest motives of this obscenity/crime against mankind in such sharp relief! This just focused my view, like a magnifying glass, on what we are up against. Bravo!

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Another winner, Ned!

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