A stack that I follow by TriTorch proposed that those of us opposed to medical tyranny organize a messaging campaign:
Operation Conquering Medical Tyranny: Flyer Design, Coordination, & Distribution
Some of you have expressed interest creating a coordinated crowd-sourced operation to design, print, & distribute flyers across cities around the world that will contain crucial information which will help awaken and activate others to what we are facing and in doing so we will take back our freedom and dramatically improve our future. Let’s use this space to coordinate these efforts.
Me being a meemingful guy, I wanted to contribute. I offered all the memes and designs on MEEMINGFUL.
Then I got to thinking: I’ve produced many postcards, posters, flyers, digital graphics and written articles. Maybe they are counter-productive with set-in-their-beliefs members of a propagandized population. They come on too strong for someone easily triggered to a defensive posture. Plus, they’re a fair bit of production work.
What might be more effective in expanding people’s awareness could be a simple statement, or better yet, a simple question. Perhaps a question that planted a tiny seed of doubt. Such a micro-message would fit on a standard address label sticker.
Now here’s the sticky part. You may not want to stick a sticker on someone else’s stuff. If so, I understand but stickers stuck to stuff get noticed. I recommend discretion, perhaps the inside of a toilet stall or a lamp pole by a crosswalk. Be creative.
Let’s make some labels. Download the PDF(s) then print them to 8.5x11 blank label sheets on your home printer or at a copy shop. Each PDF is formatted for 3 columns x 10 rows of address labels (Avery 5160 layout or equivalent).
To start us off, I’ve written two micro-messages, pithy and thought-provoking, I think.
Since your COVID vaccination,
has your health improved,
stayed the same or deteriorated?
The first time a person sees one of these micro-memes, it may not really register, but the second, third or fourth time, it may get them thinking. Repetition is key. A handout flyer with 400 words on it doesn’t get read and goes directly in the nearest trash can, but a micro-meme makes a sub-second subliminal impression that sticks.
Have fun.
Thanks Ned. It's like the White Rose Stickers that we'd print and stick all over, including in the forest, and come back the next morning and they'd be pulled off and I'd feel dismal, and then get up and stick it to 'em again. Thank you.
These are fantastic Ned, I will make them available for download with credit to you!